Saturday, September 8, 2012

Up your self Esteem

An important lesson in life is to value ourselves. If we do, we will walk with confidence and see ourselves and our experiences from the right perspective. We cannot avoid people holding us and our achievements in contempt. Once we learn to believe in ourselves, our innate goodness and our value as unique beings created in God’s image and likeness, we will start living from a different paradigm. We will start also begin looking at others s fellow human beings, all on the path to the divine and sharers in this journey of life.
All areas in life are important after ourselves and maintaining ourselves physically, keeping our spirits high and in tune with the divine, widening our horizons keeping ourselves centered and being conscious of the spiritual and divine.
Innate value is something that is independent of the circumstances of our birth, socio-economic status and the slot we occupy in life. We will find that all the joys of sharing a simple life and a humble position have led us to add value in life. While the most fundamental moral values are almost universal, life does not stop with morality. Life is also about giving and taking, about love and friendship, about generosity and vision.
We will find that even if unconsciously, we all have a mission statement in our lives. This mission statement will encompass all the good we do on life and all the potential we develop to do good to others. On the other hand, if we continue with narrow motives, what we would have really is a distorted view of the world. With narrow world views we will judge others by our own subjective standards that are colored often by prejudice and acrimony.
If, on the contrary we look at life as an open book on which we write messages of harmony, brotherhood and sisterhood, encourage others to brave living and see our actions as a furtherance of the divine purpose, our lives will be informed by the values that are close to true humanity.
True humanity is represented by true values. We will not look only for gains but for opportunities to serve others. Everything in nature has an intrinsic value – fields, flowers trees, sky, infinite space, stars and all living beings. As human beings we need to realize our true potential and value.
Once we realize our intrinsic value, we will stop playing to the gallery; we will not look for constant approval or appreciation. Whatever we do, we will rest in the assurance that we have contributed something worthwhile.
This means that we accept ourselves as we are and remain content with what we have so far achieved. We do not respond to put downs or rejection with despondency or a sense of failure. We don into miss the point even if others have about us. It is strange how we sometimes have to experience ‘failure’ many times before something ‘works out’
Trial and experimentation are part of the process. We become more giving in our relationships, and receive life with open hands. Yes, it is possible, in fact probable that people will devalue us. But once we know who we are –precious children of a common God who is Father to all – we will become worthy children of God. “Not a sparrow falls from the skies without His knowledge”.

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